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What’s the HTML Theme?


  • 創作や議論の根本的意図・題目・中心課題など。主題。
  • 〘言〙〔theme〕機能主義言語学の文法理論の用語。(以下略)

— 三省堂 大辞林 第三版 より引用

A theme is a package to change appearance of its HTML output in accordance with a certain subject.

It means, a theme is...

a collection of HTML templates, stylesheet(s), and other static files.

How should I use a theme? contains a section like this.

# -- Options for HTML output -------------------

# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.
# See the documentation for a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'default'

Modify it like as below, then...

html_theme = "sphinxdoc"

Let’s make it ;-)

$ make html
html_theme = 'default'

So, an appearance will be change...

HTML Theme: default
html_theme = 'sphinxdoc'

like this.

HTML Theme: sphinxdoc
It seems so easy!
Other themes.


HTML Theme: agogo


HTML Theme: traditional


HTML Theme: nature


HTML Theme: haiku


HTML Theme: pyramid

Try building a document with each built-in themes, and you’ll find good and bad stuff of them.

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